Star Records
Within this logo, I like the simplicity of the name itself, I think that Star Records is easy to remember, I also like the simplistic logo, however I feel that the font itself loos quite scruffy- and I would be better recreating this logo on the computer to create a more polished look. I also like the subtle colours within the logo itself, this is because it almost gives the logo a 3D edge. I think the fact the font is joined up slightly works well too and I like the effect this created, however I took the "star" font from the star wars logo, so would need to change this if this is the design we choose to use.
Ocean Music
Once again, I like the simplicity within the record label name as I think that it is memorable, I also took inspiration from Oasis' band logo for this, however, I feel that I would need to recreate this logo on the computer to see its potential, I would also prefer to only use one font throughout the logo as I feel that the two different ones makes the logo appear disjointed. However, I do like the monochrome colour scheme as I feel that on the computer, this would make the logo appear sleek.
Phantom Records
Within this, I like the juxtaposition created, with the idea of a phantom being scary with the childish like writing. I also like the effect created by the multi layering of the colours within the text itself as I feel that it gives it a layer of depth and makes the text appear 3D as if it is coming off the page, I also feel that the cartoon ghost gives the logo some character and makes the record label appear more inviting and friendly.

Within this Label, I deliberately tried to make it appear messier in order to create a graffiti like text, I also used typical bubble writing and contrasting colours within this text to make it bolder and brighter. I think I would try and recreate this on the computer, however, I would like to play around with different fonts and paint patterns in order to create new and interesting effects to see which looks best, as I feel that it looks fairly messy at the moment, so it should look better on the computer.
Final Thoughts
In order to work out which design is the best, I feel that the best thing to do would be to hand out the designs as a questionnaire, this is as it would give us a better idea of what our target market want, we could perhaps do one for the actual style used and one for the name of the record label, this is because it would enable us to create a better combination of the style and font itself in order to create a more appealing design.
These are interesting Emily. I think you should define your TA and create a TA profile then research these ideas with that specific audience.